Equestrian Usman gets another FEI qualification
By our correspondent
KARACHI: Pakistan’s Melbourne-based equestrian Usman Khan has secured another FEI qualification at the 2-star long format event at Haras National de Pompadour in France and created a new national record.
“We broke the national record at the FEI Haras De Pompadour just four weeks after we had created it at Jardy. We were placed second after dressage in the big FEI European field with 28.1 penalty,” Usman wrote to this correspondent.
“No one expected Pakistan to be in top-2 placing on day-1. We went clear cross country on day-2 and one rail in showjumping on day-3. I forgot to jump one fence towards the end of the cross-country course and had to return to jump. This incurred additional time. Pakistan has never been on the FEI podium in Europe and today we came close,” said Usman who has already qualified for the Asian Games a month ago. “InshaAllah it will improve,” he was quick to add.
“Pakistan flag flew in good spirit during the event and was applauded by an international crowd who were happy to see another nation rise to the occasion.
In order to reach 4-star Olympic Qualification rounds which start in 2023 Usman must compete at 2- star first. It means he will need to have enough MER at 2-star level to qualify for 3-star. Once he will reach 3-star then he will have to do enough qualification rounds at 3-star level to reach 4- star. Once at the 4-star, Pakistan will need a minimum of two events to secure Olympic Qualification. Pakistan must also be in top-2 in their Olympic Group-F to officially secure an Olympic berth.
With qualification events at Jardy and Pompadour Pakistan’s world and regional ranking is bound to improve for the first time in 12 months.